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What is a wall -breaking bee pollen?

Oct 14, 2022

Today, please come with me to learn the relevant knowledge of wall broken pollen.

Wall-broken bee pollen refers to the overall destruction of the cell wall and germination pores of single bee pollen cells or only the atresia point of the germination pores.

The bee pollen wall is usually divided into two layers, the outer wall and the inner wall. The main component of the inner wall is pectin cellulose, which has poor resistance and is easy to rot on the surface. It has remained intact for millions of years, so the study of pollen morphology is mainly based on the structure of the outer wall. The outer wall can be divided into two layers, namely the outer layer and the inner layer. The outer layer is generally composed of 3 layers. The outermost layer is the covering layer, which may be perforated. When the development is incomplete, it is the pollen with half covering layer or no covering layer. The lower layer is a columnar layer with a columnar (or rod-like) structure. The next layer is the base layer.

How bee pollen breaks walls:

1. Cellulase method. The temperature is 50 degrees, and the wall is broken under the condition of PH4.8, and the best wall-breaking rate is 80%.

2. Ultrasonic wall breaking.

3. Fermentation method.

4. The cyclone crushing method. The temperature is controlled at about minus 160 degrees (plus or minus 20 degrees).

In addition, there are carbon dioxide extraction wall breaking method, nano wall breaking method. There is also a method of breaking the wall by low-temperature airflow. The pollen is broken by the low-temperature and high-speed airflow pulverization technology. The wall-breaking rate is high, and the temperature of the entire wall-breaking process is about 10 °C. Compared with normal temperature wall breaking, the cost of low temperature wall breaking is increased by nearly 20 times, but in the process of low temperature wall breaking. Because of the high cost of wall breaking, most of the so-called market sales are pollen without wall breaking.

Does Bee Pollen Have to Break the Wall?

Whether the pollen should be broken before application cannot be generalized, it depends on the processed product and dosage form or packaging. Generally, pollen flakes without sugar coating are produced, and powder paste, cake or pollen packaged by suction vacuum does not need to be broken. For example, in the processing of pollen wine, pollen drink, pollen oral liquid, pollen crystal, pollen sugar-coated tablet, pollen capsule and cosmetics, the pollen must be broken wall to ensure the nutrients of pollen and give full play to its effect.

Many studies have shown that bee pollen does not need to be broken as a food, because there are germination holes and germination grooves on the pollen wall. infiltrate.

After the pollen is broken, it is more likely to be polluted, which is not conducive to preservation. However, when pollen is used as a cosmetic raw material, the wall must be broken, because the skin has no digestive ability; when it is used as a raw material for further processing, the wall must also be broken to ensure that the nutrients of the pollen are extracted. The authoritative conclusion confirms that whether bee pollen needs to be broken should be determined according to different purposes of use and the needs of processed products.

