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Application and precautions of propolis products

Sep 30, 2022

1. Propolis is not a magic medicine to cure all diseases.

Propolis is a precious and rare natural product, and its health care effects on the human body are multi-faceted and significant.

From a scientific point of view, propolis has a wide range of applications, and it has certain effects in regulating physiological functions of the body, improving health, and preventing and adjuvant treatment of certain diseases, but it also has its limitations and is not omnipotent.

As a health care, propolis does have irreplaceable and significant effects. However, if you want to use propolis to treat diseases completely, you must take it under the guidance of a doctor and according to the instructions.

2. Raw propolis cannot be eaten directly.

Although propolis is a precious natural substance, propolis cannot be eaten casually.

Experts point out that some consumers buy some propolis raw materials from beekeepers and take them home for direct consumption, or add them to wine after soaking them at will, which are very dangerous. Because the raw material of propolis contains a lot of inedible substances, especially the heavy metals are very high in the general raw material of propolis, they must be separated and removed before they can be eaten.

Propolis itself is non-toxic, but there are many pollution opportunities in the production process of propolis raw materials, and the heavy metal content is high. For example, heavy metal lead can inhibit the enzyme system in human hemoglobin synthesis and glucose metabolism in the brain, resulting in brain tissue hypoxia and brain damage.

3. Babies and pregnant women should not eat propolis.

The functional components in propolis may affect the normal development of the baby's immune system. After pregnant women consume propolis products, certain biologically active substances can stimulate the uterus, cause uterine contractions, and interfere with fetal growth and development.

4. People with allergies should use it with caution.

Very few people (allergic people) may have allergic reactions to propolis, and the symptoms vary from mild hyperemia of the skin to obvious eczema-like rash, mucous membrane edema, headache, nausea, low-grade fever, etc. Symptoms disappear after stopping propolis, and later, when taking propolis products again, you should start from a very small amount and slowly increase to the usual amount.

5. It is best not to stop eating propolis.

As a beneficial supplement to the deficiency of flavonoids in the daily diet, propolis products participate in the metabolic process of the human body, but cannot be stored in the body for a long time. Propolis is non-toxic and can be eaten with confidence.

6. Continue to take propolis after recovery.

Although propolis has a good treatment and health care effect on many diseases, it is a health food and has no toxic and side effects. Therefore, based on the need to maintain health, you can continue to take it after curing. Even normal people will gradually enhance their immunity after taking propolis, eliminate toxins in the body, remove free radical damage, soften blood vessels, improve blood circulation, and prevent various diseases. Slow down the aging process and make the body healthier. In many countries, propolis is often added to milk and coffee to purify the blood, cure diseases and strengthen the body.

7. Proper storage of propolis products.

The volatile oil components in propolis account for 5% to 7%. It has strong antimicrobial activity, so propolis products should be packaged in non-toxic plastic bottles or glass bottles to prevent the volatilization of volatile oil components in propolis. The packaged propolis is stored in a well-ventilated, dark place below 20°C, and do not expose to direct sunlight, because terpenes are easily discolored under sunlight.

In short, propolis should be stored in a sealed condition away from light. Because propolis has strong anti-corrosion and anti-oxidation properties, it can be stored for a long time in a sealed, dark place. Generally, the shelf life stated by the manufacturer is generally 2 to 3 years.

Like many natural products, propolis has advantages and limitations. It is recommended that people be cautious when using propolis and its products for the first time, and start with a small dose.

