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2023 National Bee Products Helping Agriculture and Consumption Large Public Welfare Activity Successfully Launched in Beijing

Nov 15, 2023

On the afternoon of November 10th, the "2023 National Bee Products Helping Agriculture and Consumption Large Public Welfare Activity" of Beijing Beehall was successfully held at the Beijing Xingguangmeidiya Hotel. This grand event is supported by the Beeswax Conditioning Technical Committee of the China Bee Products Association and hosted by Beijing Beehall Biological Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. More than a thousand representatives of Beijing Bee Hall members from all over the country participated in this grand event.

The purpose of this grand event is to call for more people to care for bees and maintain biodiversity; Pay attention to beekeepers, scientifically and rationally recognize bee products, and consume bee products, so that the Chinese bee industry can serve the promotion of healthy China, while achieving harmonious coexistence of humans, bees, and nature. Consumers, enterprises, and bee farmers can achieve mutual success, promote the high-quality development of the Chinese bee industry, and promote a virtuous cycle of the social economy.

Speech by Ren Diwei, Chairman of Beehall Group

Speech by Liu Zhiren, Former State Council Counselor

Speech by Sun Guofeng, Vice President of China Bee Products Association

Speech by Dr. Li Haiyan, Director of the Food and Nutrition Development Research Institute and the Food and Nutrition Health Science Guidance Center of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs

Academician Sun Shuxia gave a report on "Propolis and Health"

Honorary Chairman of the Food Nutrition and Safety Professional Committee of the China Health Association

Yang Hanbing, editor in chief, reports on "Royal Jelly and Human Health"

Honorary President of Chinese Bee Products, Editor in Chief of China Bee Products News

Professor Chen Jie's Interpretation of Propolis

Director of Peking University People's Hospital, Clinical Epidemiology of Preventive Medicine

