What is honey? Bees gather nectar from the flowers of flowering plants, brew it in the hive, and finally form honey. Bees take nectar or secretions with a water content of about 80% from the flowers of plants, store them in their second stomachs, fer...
Read MoreNow more and more people pay more attention to the healthy life. For the healthy life, many people choose the propolis products as the daily using. Do you know what is the Propolis? Propolis is a kind of resin collected by bees from the leaf buds an...
Read MoreBEEHALL group devote ourselves to offer the best quality bee product and pass the bee spirit for all over the world. This festival is to let the world know about bees, learn about bees, cherish bees, and protect our homeland.
Read MoreBenchmarking international standards, promote product and service quality continuously upgrade.
Read MoreBEEHALL added Chinese herbal medicines in the natural Beeswax, that can get more effective treatment. June 16th as the "Beeswax Cultural Festival" every year to let more people know and understand this wonderful product!
Read MoreWe welcome customers across the globe to visit our museum. In here, we study and carry forward the bee spirit. Appeal to everyone to protect the environment and honey bees.
Read More2024-01-16