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Why do people like to drink honey water?

Jul 15, 2022

Honey is a common health product, drinking a glass of honey water every day is good for health. Honey has a sweet taste, which can moisten dryness and smooth the intestines, clear heat and moisten the lungs, prevent colds, remove toxins from the body, maintain the skin, and delay aging. At the same time, in addition to glucose and fructose, honey also contains a variety of essential amino acids, proteins, malic acid and other components. Therefore, honey water has many functions and effects, and continuous drinking has better health effects.

1. Promote digestion

Studies have shown that honey has a regulating effect on gastrointestinal function and can normalize gastric acid secretion. Animal experiments have confirmed that honey has the effect of enhancing intestinal peristalsis and can significantly shorten the defecation time. Therefore, drinking honey water often can effectively promote digestion, and has a good effect on colitis and habitual constipation.

2. Improve immunity

The various enzymes and minerals contained in honey can improve human immunity after synergistic action. Experimental studies have shown that feeding mice with honey can improve the immune function of mice. Commonly used in foreign countries, honey is used to treat colds and sore throats. The method is to add 2 spoons of honey and 1/4 spoon of fresh lemon juice to a glass of water, and take 3-4 cups a day. So, if you have a cold, try drinking a glass of honey water.

3. Promotes longevity

Scholars from the former Soviet Union have investigated more than 200 elderly people over 100 years old, of which 143 are beekeepers, and confirmed that their longevity is related to their frequent consumption of honey. The mechanism of honey to promote longevity is more complex, it is a comprehensive conditioning of the human body, rather than simply acting on a certain organ. Therefore, drinking honey water often will bring unexpected surprises.

4. Improve sleep

Honey can relieve nervous tension, promote sleep, and have a certain pain-relieving effect. Glucose, vitamins, magnesium, phosphorus, calcium, etc. in honey can regulate the nervous system and promote sleep. A glass of honey water every day can help neurastheniacs sleep peacefully every day. A spoonful of honey every night before going to bed can improve sleep.

5. Hepatoprotective effect

The protective effect of honey on the liver can provide energy preparation for the metabolic activities of the liver, stimulate the regeneration of liver tissue, and play a role in repairing damage. People with chronic hepatitis and poor liver function often drink honey water to improve liver function.

6. Anti-fatigue

The fructose and glucose in honey can be quickly absorbed and utilized to improve the nutritional status of the blood. Taking honey when the human body is tired can obviously eliminate the symptoms of fatigue in 15 minutes. For mental workers and people who stay up late, drinking honey water can make them energetic.

7. Cardiovascular protection

Honey has the effect of expanding coronary arteries and nourishing myocardium, improving myocardial function, and regulating blood pressure.

Usage: Patients with heart disease can take 50-140 grams of honey every day, and the condition can be improved within 1-2 months. People with high blood pressure should drink a glass of honey water every morning and evening, which is also good for health. People with arteriosclerosis often eat honey, which has the effect of protecting blood vessels and lowering blood pressure.

8. Skin care and beauty

When fresh honey is applied to the skin, it can moisturize and nourish, making the skin delicate, smooth and elastic.


1) Honey mask: After diluting with honey and 2-3 times of water, apply to the face every day. You can also use oatmeal, protein and honey to make a facial mask, massage the face for 10 minutes, so that the nutrients of the honey penetrate into the skin cells.

2) Glycerin honey mask: Take one part honey, half part glycerin, three parts water, add an appropriate amount of flour and mix it to make a mask, apply it on the face for about 20 minutes each time, and then rinse with water to make the skin smooth and tender. exquisite.

3) Egg honey film: a fresh egg, a spoonful of honey, mix the two evenly, apply on the face with a soft brush and massage. After natural air-drying, rinse with clean water. Once again every week, it has the effect of moisturizing, wrinkle-removing, and beauty-enhancing.

4) Moisturize the skin: If the skin is dry in winter, a little honey can be mixed with water and applied to the skin to prevent dry cracking, and honey can be used instead of the anti-cracking cream.

So how do you drink honey water? It is usually recommended to drink it before breakfast in the morning. Please flush honey with warm water or cold boiled water.

