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What's the difference between Brazilian propolis and Chinese propolis?

Nov 04, 2022

Propolis is distributed all over the world. Brazil has become a major producer of propolis because of its unique geographical location and rich plant resources, and has attracted much attention in the world market. Brazil is the second largest producer of propolis in the world after China. Its propolis has a wide variety, complex chemical composition, and rich and prominent biological activities. It is famous for its green propolis and is mainly sold to Japan and a small part to the United States, China.

What is the difference between Brazilian propolis and Chinese propolis?

Bankova roughly divides propolis from different regions of the world into six categories according to the plant source of propolis, namely: Poplar-type Propolis, Birch-type Propolis, Brazilian Green Gum, Red Gum, Pacific Propolis and Narri Island Propolis. Chinese propolis belongs to poplar type propolis, and its main components are phenolic acids and flavonoids, while the main chemical components of Brazilian green propolis are coumaric acids.

Brazilian propolis mainly comes from tropical plants, such as Alecrin, Eucalyptus spp, rosemary trees and other green plastic sources. The representative type of Chinese propolis is mainly derived from poplar propolis, which is the country with the largest area of poplar plantations in the world. There are different varieties of poplar, and there are also some differences in composition.

There are differences in the content and chemical composition of the volatile components of Brazilian propolis and Chinese propolis. The results showed that the average volatile components of Brazilian propolis were 11.21%, and the average volatile components of Chinese propolis extracted under the same process conditions were 9.73%. The content of volatile components in Brazilian propolis is higher than that of Chinese propolis, and the high content of terpenes is the main feature of Brazilian propolis. Lv Zetian et al. applied liquid chromatography to analyze 40 Chinese propolis extracts from different origins and tree species and 3 propolis samples from Brazil of origin. The average content of total flavonoids in Chinese propolis was as high as 14.62%. The average content of total flavonoids was 8.93%. The flavonoid content of propolis from major producing areas in mainland China is generally higher than that of Brazilian propolis.

Physiological and pharmacological comparison test results found that Chinese propolis and Brazilian propolis have little difference in efficacy. Some of the effects of Brazilian propolis are better, and some of the effects of Chinese propolis are better. The blood sugar control effect and liver protection effect of propolis were better than that of Brazilian propolis, and the effect of Brazilian propolis in improving oxidative stress was better than that of Chinese propolis.

The above results all indicate that the chemical composition of the volatile components of propolis in Brazil and China is related to the local glue source plants, but they all contain relatively high content of propolis with biological activities such as antibacterial, blood sugar control, antitumor, liver protection, and deworming. chemical composition. Honeybees can use different raw materials to make propolis with similar functions according to local conditions, so as to maximize the effect of propolis.

The differences of propolis products are mainly determined by factors such as production technology, raw materials, equipment, production environment, etc., and these factors are also applicable to the comparison of the quality of propolis products.

China is the world's largest producer of propolis, and China's propolis scientific research and propolis health food production technology are at the world's leading level. The Chinese government implements a strict supervision system for health food, which ensures the safety and efficacy of Chinese propolis health food.

Therefore, whether Brazilian propolis is better or Chinese propolis is better should have its own characteristics. Both Chinese propolis and Brazilian propolis are precious resources that nature bestows on human beings, and both should be used scientifically instead of devaluing each other.

