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What are the applications of bee pollen in health care? Part 2

Dec 19, 2022

Today we will continue to introduce the specific application of bee pollen

9. Bee pollen can effectively improve anemia

In normal people, the number of red blood cells, hemoglobin concentration and hematocrit are maintained within a certain normal range. If for some reason the production of cells is reduced, the destruction is increased or the loss is too much, resulting in a lower than normal cell count, hemoglobin concentration and hematocrit, it is called anemia. There are many reasons for anemia, of which iron deficiency is the most common.

Bee pollen is not only an excellent natural nutritional food, but also an ideal tonic, and has certain medical effects. Studies have shown that bee pollen helps to restore the function of injured bone marrow as soon as possible, accelerates the repair of hematopoietic tissue and the regeneration of blood cells, and plays a positive role in ensuring the normal operation of hematopoietic function.

10. Bee pollen can treat hyperlipidemia

Researchers at Tennessee State University in the United States isolated a large amount of niacin in bee pollen. They found that the content of niacin in bee pollen is unparalleled in food, and niacin has the effect of lowering cholesterol, which is often used to dilate blood vessels. medicine.

In addition, American researchers also isolated ascorbic acid from bee pollen. Ascorbic acid can increase the micro-density of capillaries, reduce the permeability and fragility of blood vessels, and is also a commonly used clinical drug for the treatment of arteriosclerosis. After comparative tests, they found that the content of ascorbic acid was highest in buckwheat pollen, followed by rape pollen.

Medical staff also pointed out that the magnesium in pollen also has the effect of lowering cholesterol. The essential fatty acids in pollen not only have the effect of lowering cholesterol, but also reduce the adhesion of platelets.Chinese medical researchers have also made great contributions to the study of the pharmacological effects of bee pollen in treating hyperlipidemia. They found that flavonoids contained in the pollen wall had a significant cholesterol-lowering effect. Flavonoids are often widely found in bee products, with higher content in propolis and bee pollen. Chinese researchers also found that different types of bee pollen have different flavonoid content: chestnut pollen is the highest, followed by rape pollen, followed by vetch pollen.

11. Bee pollen has anti-cancer properties

In 1979, Arthur Uqvton, president of the American Anti-Cancer Association, found that pollen contains anti-cancer substances. Subsequently, the USDA conducted many experiments based on the principle that pollen contains anti-cancer genes, confirming that pollen can prevent the occurrence of breast cancer. Experimental studies have found that feeding animals with a small amount of pollen can inhibit the occurrence of breast cancer in experimental animals; and it has been proved that pollen can effectively prevent the damage of radiotherapy and chemotherapy, protect the body, and has obvious tumor suppressing effect. It also has good anticancer effect in clinical application. Dr. Heners in Germany found that pollen can effectively reduce the side effects of radiotherapy in patients with cervical cancer; Dr. Jarvis in the United States found a patient with lymphoid cancer who started beekeeping and ate pollen, and the condition gradually recovered.

12. Pollen can improve heart function and prevent arteriosclerosis

Bee pollen is rich in vitamins, proanthocyanidins and flavonoids, which have obvious adjuvant effects on improving heart function, reducing blood pressure, blood lipids and blood sugar, preventing arteriosclerosis, cerebral hemorrhage, retinal hemorrhage, and myocardial infarction.

13. Bee pollen can eliminate fatigue and enhance physical fitness

Bee pollen can improve the working ability of the heart, increase the lung capacity, increase the strength of the lower back muscles, especially the increase in endurance is very obvious. After athletes consume bee pollen, their appetite is increased, sleep is improved, cardiopulmonary function is improved, physical strength and endurance are enhanced, and fatigue is easily eliminated after exercise, thereby improving sports performance.

14. Bee pollen has anti-aging effects

Bee pollen can prevent the self-destruction of enzymes in cells, enhance the activity of superoxide dismutase, catalyze the decomposition of lipid peroxides, reduce the formation and accumulation of lipid peroxides, and thus play a role in delaying aging. The cause of aging is also the decline of hypothalamus and pituitary gland function, and bee pollen can restore the function of hypothalamus and pituitary gland, thereby delaying aging; bee pollen is a living substance, especially bee pollen. A variety of active enzymes, flavonoids, plant hormones, immunoglobulins, etc., can regulate the body in two directions, enhance the body's ability to stress, and make the life process reasonably vigorous, thereby playing a role in fitness and anti-aging.

15. Bee Pollen May Treat Alzheimer's

According to the United Nations Health Organization, 10% of people over 65 years old in the world today suffer from intellectual disability, and 1/2 of them suffer from dementia. There are currently 4 million seniors living with dementia in the United States. The disease is caused by the rapid decline of the body's metabolism after people enter the aging period, resulting in nutritional disorders, especially the reduction of energy and lipids needed to transport the brain, resulting in disorders of brain cells and nervous system. In the early stage of the disease, only amnesia appears, and then memory declines to complete confusion.

Biologists have shown that glucose plays an important role in the brain intelligence of the elderly, because glucose is easily absorbed and can be used smoothly through various barriers of brain tissue to produce energy effects; lipids, especially lecithin compounds It is an important substance to promote the transmission of information between nerve cells and increase memory.

According to the characteristics of the elderly people's absorption of nutrients is different from that of young people, the use of bee pollen to treat dementia has a very good effect. Bee pollen not only has complete nutritional value and the medical function of regulating the balance of the nervous system and improving sleep, but also has the biological effect of balancing nutrition. It is slowly released and inhaled in the digestive tract, which fully conforms to the assimilation and dissimilation of food nutrients by the elderly.

This article mainly talks about the therapeutic effect of bee pollen on various diseases.

