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The history of royal jelly

Nov 25, 2022

The understanding and application of royal jelly in China has a long history. As early as the Jin Dynasty, there were records about royal jelly, and it was mentioned many times in the article that royal jelly can make people energetic and prolong life. Bamboo slips in Han Dynasty tombs unearthed in Hunan Province, China also mention royal jelly as a treasure that can prolong life. There is also a saying that "royal jelly can cure all diseases" in ethnic minority areas in Yunnan, China. In the 17th century, royal jelly was regarded as a precious food. People took it out of the nest foundation and put it into an elaborate box as a tribute and sent it to the palace. These histories are enough to show that royal jelly has been developed and utilized as early as the 17th century.

In Western countries, there are descriptions of the role of royal jelly in the historical records of Alexander the Great in Russia and the travel notes of Marco Polo in Italy, as well as related records in the Bible, the Koran and the Talmud. In the history of Germany, Australia, Britain, ancient Egypt and other countries, there are also legends of folk application of royal jelly to prevent and treat diseases. But it was not until 1921 that the mystery of royal jelly was gradually revealed. German scientist D.J.Lang discovered that royal jelly is a substance secreted by the royal jelly glands in the heads of worker bees that are 5-10 days old. But at that time, there was no comprehensive research on the biology, chemistry, pharmacology and clinical practice of royal jelly. At the end of the 19th century, people began to explore the general chemical composition of royal jelly, and the corresponding research reports published in the early 20th century increased. The first report was an article published in the famous American beekeeping magazine "Gleaning in Bee Culture", which pointed out that royal jelly is very rich in B vitamins. Shortly after that, M.Aeppler, a professor of beekeeping in Wisconsin, conducted a comprehensive analysis of the components of royal jelly, which laid the foundation for the fine quantitative analysis of royal jelly in the future.

Royal jelly has obvious pharmacological effects, and it has been widely noticed and recognized very early, and it was a sensation in the 1950s. Especially in 1954, the 82-year-old Pope of Rome was bedridden and dying. After his doctor treated him with royal jelly, he was rescued from the state of worsening asthma, seasonal thinness and exhaustion, and miraculously turned his back on his life. An astonishing rate of recovery of health. The following year, the Pope's attending physician held an international academic conference in Rome, which attracted great attention from the society. In 1956, the escaped Pope personally attended the 16th International Conference on Beekeeping in Vienna, where he introduced his personal experience of taking royal jelly and then recovering. As a result, royal jelly has received a lot of attention from people all over the world who are hungry for health. At this meeting, representatives of Greece, Britain and Italy also read out their research report on royal jelly, which has attracted the attention of many countries.

Japan produces very little royal jelly, and basically does not produce royal jelly, because it cannot meet their domestic consumption needs, it is mainly imported from China. According to the "2000 Health Food Ranking" published by Japan Health Food Circulation News, the annual sales of royal jelly in Japan is 40 billion yen, ranking third in health food, second only to vitamin C (annual sales of 480 billion yen). billion yen) and calcium supplement products (annual sales of 42 billion yen).

The Japanese have been eating royal jelly for 50 years, and royal jelly has brought health and longevity to the Japanese people. In 2003, the average life expectancy of Japanese men was 78.3 years, ranking second in the world; the average life expectancy of women was 85.3 years, ranking first in the world for the 19th consecutive year. So why do hundreds of millions of Japanese live long and healthy lives? In addition to attaching importance to physical exercise and reasonable diet, the health awareness of eating royal jelly is very strong. As a professor at Tamagawa University said, over the past 30 years, the Japanese have increased their height and their lifespans, benefiting from royal jelly. When evaluating the effects of royal jelly, Japanese scholars said that people regard royal jelly as a valuable medicine like penicillin. Penicillin reduces human mortality, and royal jelly brings health and longevity to human beings. In addition to Japan, the consumption level of royal jelly in the United States and Australia is also increasing, and the export market of royal jelly in China is also expanding.

There are many royal jelly products with different prices on the market, it is recommended that you choose the correct, high-quality, real royal jelly. Royal Jelly series products have always been the star product series of BEEHALL Group. BEEHALL Group has fresh royal jelly, royal jelly soft capsules, royal jelly freeze-dried powder, and royal jelly oral liquid. Only real royal jelly has the benefits mentioned in the article. BEEHALL Group has always been your best choice.

