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Application of Bee Pollen

Jul 25, 2022

Hello everyone, bee pollen is a natural tonic that is not only used in health care, but also in beauty and medicine. Today I will introduce you to the specific application of bee pollen—Bee Pollen for Beauty.

Bee pollen is known as "edible cosmetic agent". When taken internally, bee pollen can moisturize, delicate, soft and shiny skin. It has the function of nourishing, removing freckles, reducing wrinkles and aging of skin. Bee pollen is extracted through broken wall, and auxiliary materials are added to make skin care products that can not only make skin delicate and strong, but also have a certain therapeutic effect on skin diseases. Its effect is far better than ordinary cosmetics, and it is known as "the source of beauty".

So what is the beauty mechanism of bee pollen?

Nutritional effects on the skin: According to the world's scientific results, it is known that bee pollen contains more than 200 kinds of nutrients, far exceeding any nutritional food, and has the reputation of "the most perfect health food". Bee pollen is recognized as a natural beauty product in the world, because bee pollen is rich in protein, a variety of amino acids, carotene, vitamin E, trace elements selenium, phospholipids, nucleic acids and other skin care ingredients. In addition, taking bee pollen can also make the body SOD. content increased.

Amino acids are components of natural moisturizing factors in the stratum corneum of the skin that restore hydration to aging and hardened skin. Prevents moisture loss from the stratum corneum. Keep your skin moisturized and healthy. Lipid can restore the skin cell membrane damaged by free radicals, so that the physiological function of the membrane can be played normally, thereby enhancing the skin resistance and the ability to eliminate metabolic waste.

In addition, phospholipids have emulsifying properties, which can reduce the viscosity of blood and promote blood circulation. VE has the effect of dilating capillaries and can also improve blood circulation, thereby improving blood oxygen supply and circulation, prolonging the survival time of red blood cells and enhancing hematopoietic function. Enhancement of skin cell resistance, elimination of metabolic waste and blood circulation.

The beauty method of taking bee pollen orally

1.Eat directly, chew 10-15 grams of bee pollen every morning and dinner, and take it for 3 months.

Efficacy: It has special effects on chloasma, acne, freckles, butterfly spots, acne and wrinkles caused by endocrine disorders, vitamin deficiency and anemia.

2.Bee pollen honey, 1-2 parts pollen, 8-9 parts honey. Dried and pulverized bee pollen, sifted through 80 mesh, mixed with honey at 60 degrees Celsius, and bottled for later use. Or with the same amount of honey mixed in the pollen adjust. Take one tablespoon two to three times a day, 30 minutes before meals.

Efficacy: it can cure constipation, moisturize skin, fade facial spots and acne.

3. Pollen infusion, 15 grams of broken pollen, 20 grams of honey, 200 ml of water, mix, take a dose every day.

Efficacy: make skin tender, shiny and elastic, reduce wrinkles and remove chloasma.

Today I shared with you the application of bee pollen for beauty and beauty. In the next article, I will continue to introduce the application of bee pollen for health care.

