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A standard seminar for beeswax therapy groups was held in Beijing

Sep 20, 2022

On September 16, the China Bee Products Association Beeswax Physiotherapy Group Standard Seminar was held in Beijing Beehall Group. Rong Yang , President of China Bee Products Association, Zijian Li, Honorary Vice President, Hanbing Yang, Editor-in-Chief of China Bee Products News, Shengming Liang, Director of the Vocational Skills Appraisal and Guidance Center of All-China Federation of Supply and Marketing Cooperatives, and Haiyan Li, Director of the Food and Nutrition Health Science Guidance Center of the Institute of Food and Nutrition Development, Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, attended the meeting. Jinjing Chang, director of the massage department of Beijing Hospital, Qing Zhang, director of the oncology department of Beijing Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Xiuling Wei, head nurse, Xiaoyun Shi, director of the endocrinology department of Chaoyang Emergency Rescue Center, Jie Chen, professor of Peking University People's Hospital, and other medical experts were invited to give guidance. Shan Ni, director of the Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine of Heilongjiang Forest Industry General Hospital, and representatives of related enterprises participated in the meeting through the Internet. The meeting was chaired by Guofeng Sun, vice president and secretary general of the association.

President Yang said that beeswax physiotherapy is an active exploration of cross-border integration of bee industry, and the formulation of beeswax physiotherapy group standards will play an important role in promoting the development of beeswax conditioning specifications. At the meeting, Lirui Tan, deputy secretary-general of the China Bee Products Association, introduced the formulation plan of beeswax physiotherapy group standards, and experts also exchanged and discussed the draft standards from different angles. In the next step, the association will promote the formulation of standards in accordance with the requirements of the team's standard management methods.

